
Gazetecilere ve medya kurumlarına destek veren IJC (Bağımsız Gazeteci Merkezi) profesyonel ve bağımsız gazeteciliğin sağlamlaşmasını amaçlıyor. 1 Temmuz 2014 – 30 Haziran 2015 tarihleri arasında Moldova’daki bu merkezde çalışacak, medya ve gazetecilik ile ilgilenen, iyi derecede ingilize bilgisi olan AGH gönüllüleri aranıyor. Başvuru için özgeçmişinizi ve motivasyon mektubunuzu ilgili adrese 1 Mayıs 2014 tarihine kadar gönderebilirsiniz.

Vacancy for EVS Volunteer in Moldova, Republic of
Contact person: Natalia Alexandrov
Coordinating organisation: ADVIT ICYE Moldova
Host: Independent Journalist Centre:
Location: Chisinau, Moldova, Republic of
Deadline: 01/05/2014
Start: 01/07/2014
End: 30/06/2015

The Independent Journalist Center (IJC) provides assistance to journalists and media institutions in the Republic of Moldova. IJC sees its mission in supporting professional journalism and aims at contributing to the consolidation of a qualitative, independent and impartial press. IJC runs Chisinau School of Advanced Journalism.

Proposed activities for the volunteer are: – Volunteer will support IJC staff in preparation and during lessons of School of Advanced Journalism; – Preparation of the materials; – Moderation of a weekly discussion club for advanced English-language students from the Chisinau School of Advanced Journalism, which includes inviting guests, preparing topics and homework; – Writing thank you letters, proof reading of the texts and the “mass media in Moldova” bulletin ; – Assisting in training programs for journalists and trainers from different media, with the participation of foreign and local experts; – Helping in organization of the annual survey “Ten Journalists of the Year”; – Helping in maintaining web portal Moldova Azi (; – Keeping the library;

Such characteristics as creativity, flexibility, interest in media and journalism and good command of English would be an asset.

All interested candidates must submit their CV and motivation letter indicating the project they are applying for, when you are able to start your project and for how many months you are available, contact details of your sending organization to ADVIT Moldova by email The selection of the candidates will be on-going.


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