

  • Being 3rd or 4rd grade student,
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in mechanical, manufacturing, material, chemical, food or textile engineering; having interest in one of the structural design,  fluid dynamics, vibration and acoustic, thermodynamics, material, cleaning technologies, or studying Bachelor’s degree in mechatronics, electronic, mechanical engineering; having interest in one of arduino, raspberry pi, microcontrollers, C, C#, computer vision, robotic systems, sensors, data acquisition, IoT, smart devices, wearable technology (This Position is located in Çayırova)
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in Physics/Physics Engineering, Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering/Molecular Biology and Genetics. Having interest in new and emerging technologies in basic/applied sciences for application on household appliances, knowledge and/or interest on hygiene technologies, electrochemical technologies, optics, water treatment technologies and or membrane/filtration technologies (This Position is located in Çayırova)
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in metallurgical and materials science engineering, physics engineering, chemical engineering or chemistry; having interest in one of the materials, metal processing, ceramics and glasses, coating, polymers, nano materials, insulation materials technologies (This Position is located in Çayırova)
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in electric, electronic, electronic & communication engineering; having interest in one of Java , C, embeddded systems, designing,microprocessor, android applications,arduino, orcad, power electronics,finite elements method, or (This Position is located in Çayırova)
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in industrial/management engineering; having interest in one of technology management, project portfolio management, R&D management, innovation management, international R&D project management (Horizon 2020, Eureka etc), R&D collaboration.(This Position is located in Çayırova)
  • Studying Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering having interest in any of the following:embedded systems, network, mobil application development, front-end systems, back-end systems, data analytics, data science (Only This Position is located in ODTÜ Teknkokent-Ankara).

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Arcelik Group is looking for Research & Development interns for this summer!

  • Chance to get involved in demonstrating innovative projects during  three months,
  • Responsibility of a project based on a specific topic,
  • Opportunities to work part-time or full-time after the internship in accodance to the needs of departments.

If you would like to be part of this challenge you can apply just now!

Arcelik Group
An Equal Opportunity Employer

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